Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Newest Health Insurance Customers Are Generally Happy

We've known for a few months now that lots of people signed up for health insurance this year in new marketplaces. A new survey shows that the people who did so are also pretty happy with their purchases.

The survey, from the Commonwealth Fund, a research group, came to similar conclusions as other surveys about the expansion of health insurance. It found that about 15 percent of adults younger than 65 now lack health insurance, down from 20 percent before the Affordable Care Act rolled out in January.

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What was more surprising is that people who got the new coverage were generally happy with the product. Overall, 73 percent of people who bought health plans and 87 percent of those who signed up for Medicaid said they were somewhat or very satisfied with their new health insurance. Seventy-four percent of newly insured Republicans liked their plans. Even 77 percent of people who had insurance before — including members of the much-publicized group whose plans got canceled last year — were happy with their new coverage.

In March, people waited at a mall in Miami to sign up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. Credit Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Larry Levitt, the senior vice president for special initiatives at the Kaiser Family Foundation, another research group that polls on the Affordable Care Act, said he wasn't sure we'd see such high satisfaction so early. The law's requirement that Americans obtain insurance always made him wonder whether people would be glad to have insurance if they felt forced to buy it. "It's possible people may have felt coerced into buying coverage, even if they didn't like it or didn't feel it was a good value," he said in an email. "That doesn't seem to be happening so far."

The Commonwealth poll appears to be the first national survey since the health-law passed to have gon e beyond questions about insurance status and asked about satisfaction and usage.

The survey also found that a majority of people are using their new insurance. The survey found that 60 percent of the newly insured had gone to a doctor or a hospital or filled a prescription with their new plan. Of those, more than 60 percent said they wouldn't have been able to afford the care without their new coverage. Most people seeking new primary care doctors found the process fairly easy and had to wait less than two weeks for an appointment.

That news, of course, can cut both ways. It may be a sign that the new plans are working as intended by making it easy for people to have access to affordable care. It may also be a sign that those newly insured people are relatively sick and will be particularly expensive to insure. Commonwealth found that about 70 percent of people using their plans had a pre-existing health problem. It will take some time to see how costly this new population turns out to be.

It's also early to know whether this happiness will last. You might expect the first people to sign up for a new program to be those most enthusiastic about its prospects to improve their life. But with widespread coverage of complaints about high costs and limited networks of doctors, the new study suggests that, among the early adopters, at least, the benefits of coverage outweigh the problems.

There is reason to think that the good feelings may linger. Americans may complain about the details of their health insurance, but they are generally happy with it once they have it. An Associated Press poll in January found that 73 percent of all Americans with insurance before the rollout of the law were satisfied.


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