Tuesday 22 July 2014

Cheapest Car Insurance Rates With SR22 Out Now - Know More

  • Welcome! " The Evening Blues" is a casual community diary (published Monday - Friday, 8:00 PM Eastern) where we hang out, share and talk about news, music, photography and other things of ...

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  • She first came to prominence in the 1952 revival of Pal Joey, in which she sang "Zip": Elaine Stritch, the brassy, tart-tongued Broadway actress and singer who became a living emblem of show ...

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  • We are a nation of immigrants (other than descendants of Native Americans, who welcomed us with open arms or from whom we stole the land, depending on whose history books you read). We are also a ...

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  • Received this e-mail today from Senator Mark Udall's (D. CO) campaign: ...

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  • The following diaries are examples of this week's Election Diary Rescue. This post features a collection of 47 diaries. (NH-Sen) [http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/07/16/1314442/-SHHHH-Scott-...

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  • David Perdue (R. GA) & Jack Kingston (R. GA) duke it out before tomorrow's runoff election. Tomorrow the GOP will finally figure out who their nominee is to go up against Michelle Nunn (D. GA) and ...

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  • Um....wow. Raw Story Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick (D) announced a proposal on Friday for two military facilities to serve as host sites for some of the thousands of undocumented Central ...

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  • This is your pilot speaking. Well, not actually yours. Like I'm not your property. I'm a person. A GOD DAMN HUMAN BEING. You all disgust me. Calm down helicopters, we hear you. Everyone's watching.

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  • Netroots Nation announced that its 2015 national palaver will be in Phoenix, Daily Kos announced it won't officially participate because Arizona politics sucks, and for progressives it was like ...

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  • Good evening and welcome to Monday Group Meditation, we will be sitting from 7:30 to 10:00 PM EST. It is not necessary to sit for the entire extended time, which is set up to make it convenient for ...

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  • Hard right-winger Stephen Moore took a break from pushing debunked trickle-down economic policies to take a pathetic shot at clean energy . Let the stupid begin.

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  • There is a group on Facebook called Choose Work That is Social Securities program that was ostensibly set up to help persons such as myself engage in gainful employment. Admittedly I do troll them ...

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  • If you're KABC drive-time right-wing talk radio host Larry Elder, the self-proclaimed "Sage of South Central," what are your biggest concerns? Apparently, it's "chemtrails," "...

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  • You heard it here first.  More on this later, but first all need to work to make hemp completely legal...  Hemp  is God's gift to America, and I don't mean when it goes up in smoke.  I am ...

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  • As the push to legalize marijuana for personal or medical use gains traction in the USA, the "pro-pot" arguments become more enthusiastic and more off the beaten track of real science. I suspect, ...

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  • Hillary did a very short Q&A on Facebook as part of her promo for her new memoir. I posed the question: "Would you support a Constitutional Amendment overturning the Supreme Court's "Citizen's ...

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  • They are not a large group, but you're not going to get a large group to commit to a 3000 mile walk. Dedicated? Absolutely. The Great March for Climate Action set off from LA in March, bound ...

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  • I searched for content on the Market Basket saga now erupting here in New England on the site, and didn't find anything. Apologies if I missed it. But it's an amazing story about corporate greed, ...

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  • CBS News Video CBS reports that ...

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  • So let's review some facts. 1. The Hobby Lobby decision says essentially that people (Including Corporate People) cannot be legally forced to act in a way that violates their sincerely held ...

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