Thursday 18 September 2014

Why does backup and data recovery matter?

Backup and data recovery does matter. Many times, it doesn't tend to matter until it is too late. Those who have experienced data loss are some of the first to proclaim its importance and how much they wish that they had realized that before it was too late. There are also those who thought that they had a reliable backup solution in place, only to find that they did not. Pixar is an example of a company who experienced just such a situation when one of their employees accidentally deleted the master copies of their animated characters and they realized that their backups had not been working properly...for quite some time!

In the article, "Internet security, reliable web hosting, and identity theft concerns," the discussion was started on the importance of backup and recovery, as a part of the overall approach to all things security and safety related for the online presence.

Don't do it just once. Have a backup strategy.

This writer (aka me, Deborah Anderson) has extensive experience in the area of backup and recovery. Some day, that story will be shared. One thing that I recommended was to have a 3-prong strategy. In other words, don't limit one's security to only one solution. It seems the author of this article on approach to backups, shares that opinion and lists some ideas for that same approach. In the case of Pixar, that would have saved their bacon, and in fact, indirectly, it did.

Of course, the "Don't do it just once" also applies to performing the backup process once and then not doing it for several years. But, the key is that there are different options to employ, for that overall backup strategy.

Another step by step approach to a backup strategy is provided by, starting out with a satirical approach that basically says to change the lifestyle if the desire is to live without the need for backups.

So, what is the first step?

It may be that the first step is the most confusing. The question of where to find the solution and what solution is it that needs to be found?

If the site is a Wordpress blog, there are many plugins that are available to help out in a basic blog backup. One such favorite, that is free, is one available from Backup Technology, specifically for Wordpress. It is free, but there are options for paid upgrades which make backups even more convenient. Also, a search for "backup" in the Wordpress plugin directory produces others that may be of interest.

That may cover the web site, but much more is needed to cover everything else that exists, beyond a blog or site. In other words, the computer needs backup and, if the head of the company, that company also needs coverage (i.e. servers). For this, an all-purpose solution is needed.

For Mac computers, a great solution is to use "Time Machine" that comes with the computer. There are also some available solutions for Windows, like downloads (use at one's own risk) available at CNET

There is an advantage to choosing a company (versus a download). The advantages include product support and sales support, in most cases. The sales support should be available so that all questions about the software may be asked before making a buying decision. Look for a company that offers a free trial or a free version so that the software can be "touched" and "tried" before committing to a final purchase.

An example of a company that has a free version and has sales support and product support is EaseUS, with the motto of "make your life easy." This company sets the standards on what a backup solution shopper is looking for by providing multiple services and products for multiple platforms (Windows, Mac, iOS, servers, etc.). This company, and others like it, specialize in the backup and recovery process, and have compiled testimonials and reviews (from PC World, Tech Republic, and more) to prove their point. That is the type of benchmark the shopper needs to look for when considering a company to assist them in their backup and recovery solution.

If it is a corporate approach, another company to consider is EMC, specializing in helping to set up real-time continuous backup solutions and disaster recovery planning for corporations. Their technical project managers are ready to help carve out the solution that is right for the mid-to-large company.

It doesn't have to be complicated.

Data protection (which includes backup and recovery) doesn't have to be complicated and it doesn't have to be scary. If downloading software seems to be confusing, or even using built-in software seems inadequate, then looking for a specialist would seem to be the best option. That specialist can help to ease the mind.. and help one to breath easy, knowing their data is protected.

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Deborah Anderson loves Los Angeles and keeping up with the news. During her time as chief technology officer in the financial industry, she ensured that the safety, security, and peace of mind were covered with the wealth management firms and their high net worth clients. You can keep up with her technology and financial tweets @TechAuditCom and keep up with the Los Angeles love @LuvLosAngeles. Connect with with her directly on Google+.


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