Thursday, 21 August 2014

Attorney Kyle W. Jones Provides Lessons on What We Need to Know About Auto Accidents

(MENAFN Press)

Attorney Kyle W. Jones an expert in auto accident assistance delineates the things we need to know when encountering an auto accident. Whether it be a payment entitlement  from a person at fault or an insurance carrier his law office provides assistance in receiving compensation for discomfort and suffering lost wages medical costs rehab costs property damages and other monetary hardships one may have suffered due to the auto accident.

What are the things we need to know when it comes to auto accidents? Attorney Kyle W. Jones provides the answers:

What is the law in California when incurring / committing auto accident?

When committing or being the person at fault in an auto accident the law in California requires the person to stop regardless of the instance of the accident like a moving car a parked car a property or a pedestrian. Driving away will result to being charged with a "hit and run" case even if the person is not the one at fault. As it is known by many penalties for a hit and run case is something serious in that the person at fault might be sent to jail required to pay a huge amount of fine and lose driver's license. The best thing to do when encountering such situation is to give out contact information with the other driver (i.e. vehicle identification number driver's license contact information and policy number if one has a car insurance). When one hits a parked car and is not able to find the owner of the car it is a protocol to leave the contact information in a place that could easily be seen by the owner of the parked car. Notifying California's l ocal police is the next step that the person at fault must do.

Someone is injured in the auto accident. What is the protocol?

When causing a car accident and someone is injured from it it is the responsibility of the person at fault to assist the injured victim by either giving first aid (if one is trained) call an ambulance or take the injured person to the nearest hospital. It is highly advised that if one does not have proper training on giving first aid assistance the person injured must be left unmoved until the ambulance rescues. But in cases that there is an impending danger that might make the injury worse like a car fire the injured person must then be moved despite the fact that moving him might cause the injury to get worse. It is also a must for the person who committed the auto accident to seek for assistance from other people within the vicinity of the accident and warn the other motorists that an accident has occurred to prevent others from being harmed.

One is afraid to admit that he was the one who caused the accident. What is the best move?

When one knows he is the one at fault in a car accident he should be careful in divulging any information. Discussing it with the lawyer or insurance company first is the best move in this case. Paying for damages or agreeing to sign to any document other than the traffic ticket might put the person at fault in hot water in the long run. When coordinating with the police officers be objective in giving out information and avoid sounding too defensive that would make them think that the person they are talking with is the one who is really at fault.

Does one need to be afraid of the "ticket" that will be asked of him to sign?

One must not be afraid to sign a ticket when facing auto accident charges. Signing it only means that one commits to appear in court for either paying the fine or contesting the ticket. Talking to an experienced and knowledgeable auto accident attorney like Kyle W. Jones Law Office in Bakersfield California would be  a great help for anyone in such situation.

How important is an auto insurance?

It is a rule in California that every driver and vehicle owner to obtain a car insurance or other proof of financial responsibility commonly known as an automobile insurance policy. And this proof must be carried at all times whenever one drives. Lack of this evidence in such cases of auto accidents would lead to a fine plus the court may impound the vehicle. In most cases losing a driver's license for up to four years also results to failure to show any proof of financial responsibility in car accident cases.

What are the requirements for obtaining proof of financial responsibility?

Most commonly drivers have liability insurance with at least 5000 coverage for one accident for property damages 15000 for every person injured or killed in an auto accident and 30000 for two or more people injured or killed. In cases that the driver  is a low-wage earner he may avail of state-sponsored low-cost liability insurance with lesser coverage amounts.

Another option is for the driver to deposit cash equivalent to 35000 with the DMV. A California-licensed surety bonding company also issues bonds amounting to 35000 that is being accepted by the DMV as a proof of financial responsibility.

The person is being sued for the auto accident. What needs to be done?

The first step one needs to make when being sued for an auto accident is to contact his insurance company that will most likely assign a lawyer for the case. If the person is being sued for more than the amount of the policy coverage or in instances that the insurance company said that the insurance cannot cover for everything then it is best to contact a well-experience attorney in the field of auto accident like the Law Office of Kyle W. Jones.

About Kyle W Jones Law Office

No one ever plans on winding up in an accident or needing to seek help because of an injury but every so often life simply happens. It goes without saying that being in a situation like that brings with it feelings of fear stress and worry. It's only natural not to know where to turn for help especially if you find yourself facing problems that are chronic or otherwise ongoing in nature.

Injuries sustained in an accident can have a drastic impact on your overall quality of life. They can affect your ability to do your job to the best of your ability especially if you work in a physically strenuous position. They can wreak havoc on the quality of your personal life as well. However it's important not to simply take the situation lying down. Victims entitled to compensation and Kyle W Jones Law Office can help them out.

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