Monday, 31 March 2014

Looking for a new health insurance plan? - look within

(NaturalNews) Modern day health insurance policies are payment plans intended to cover high cost emergency medical procedures. Somewhere along the way, consumers started to believe that these payment plans protect their own health. These payment plans set the mind's sailon a courseof reliance on a medical industry that manages disease, instead of empowering individual quality of life. By paying into these insurance plans, blind trust is put into a medical system that is now fundamentally controlled by drug companies, time demands, and a cut, poison, burn approach to health. The practices taught at medical schools do not focus on prevention, but rely on medical label diagnostics.

Many high cost medical procedures can be completely thwarted, avoided altogether through alternative health philosophies. Nutrition education and the availability of pure water and whole foods could reduce unnecessary drugging and surgeries. While chemotherapy and radiation may be covered in part b y a modern insurance policy, these procedures cannot scientifically cure cancer.

To save the medical system, new health insurance philosophies must be implemented, practiced, and taught. Honing in on the epigenetic factors of disease and building the body's immune systemshould be top priority.Chopping off body parts in fear of cancer, as seen in hysterectomies and mastectomies surgeries, is not preventing cancer. Self mutilation is not the answer and neither is radiating and burning the body. These philosophies alone drive up the cost of medical care and insurance while perpetuating disease.

The more a person pays into an insurance payment policy, the more likely they will seek the services of the medical system unnecessarily, as they hope to receive a benefit. Sadly, there's rarely a benefit from the current setup - just more tests, drugs, and co-pays that bring more bills, side effects, and wasted time.

The sad part about today's "health insurance plans" is that they provide no true insurance from disease and cancer. A modern hospital does nothing to boost the innate power of the human immune system. Hospitals typically feed patients processed food with little nutritional value while injecting mercury, aluminum neurotoxic adjuvant virus strains right into a patient's blood stream, all in the name of preventing the flu.

There are some great surgeons available and there are plenty of well intentioned nurses and doctors ready to help, but they only know how to help patients in limited ways, using disease managementmethods that aretaught down to them. Very few ques tion the institution's ways.

Either way, doctors cannot follow a patient around and make sure they are drinking adequate clean water each day. They cannot force patients to spend time in the sun to welcome vitamin D inside their body for cellular health.

There's a whole other side to health and that begins with the individual and one's health philosophy, which starts in the mind. A new proactive perspective on health, rooted in nutrition utilization, can bring copious amounts of joy, energy, and quality of life. No doctor's checkups, tests, or prescriptions are needed.

The individual has a powerful mind, spirit, and immune system that can overcome illness. There's no need, no freedom in taking daily injections, or swallowing Drug Company pills, even if the insurance company pays for the nonsense. Most pharmacology is a false paradigm, rooted in science of lies. The heart and the vascular system can heal without high blood pressure medication, insurance bills, and doctor fees. The nervous system can heal without psychotropic medications. One can be confident in their digestive health without going to the doctor for a colonoscopy. No one needs a heavy metal laded flu shot to ward off illness.

In essence, modern day health insur ance policies are only enslaving people to one way of reliant-thinking. These plans siphon from ones bank account and perpetuate a philosophy that encourages people to forget about preventative health strategies. Patients are herded into a system of disease management ideology, which only promotes side effect-ridden, profit-driven pharmaceutical drugs.

For affordability to return to hospital care, consumers should question whether they need health insurance payment plans altogether and begin adopting a new outlook on life. As the payment plans disappear, suddenly the individual is empowered with new health philosophies and practices rooted in personal responsibility and assisting the body with proper nutrition. As more end their dependent cycle on the medical system, real emergency accident-based hospital care will become affordable and less people will see no need to have their lives consumed with "insurance payment plans," illness, and doctor's visits.

You can be your own doctor. Trust yourself, self educate,and look for the strength within.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
Inspired by powerful changes in he and his family's own health, Lance Johnson is excited about the future of cellular health and nutrition.

As an avid, everyday learner and researcher, Lance believes real health opportunities exist outside of the mainstream pharmaceutical industry. His research is displayed for free at:

Lance has also launched a natural products movement from the ground up, featuring a create your own soap option , allowing visitors to choose the natural ingredients they want in their soap.


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