Wednesday 25 December 2013

Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

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As with many areas of law, choosing from the vast array of motorcycle accident lawyers is not an easy task, but for those facing accidents or injury, choosing the right attorney is often the difference between success and failure in the courtroom.  motorcycle accident lawyers

There are some key considerations that anyone needing an attorney for motorcycle accidents can and should consider and the purpose here is to provide a starting point from which you can choose a lawyer who will best be able to resolve your legal problems following a bike accident.

Let's get some background here. There are around 3000 people killed in motorcycle accidents each year in the United States alone – and many more in other jurisdictions like Canada, the UK, Australia and elsewhere where there is a common law system to handle prosecution and civil law remedies.

But death by accident is one thing – serious injury is quite another and there are major disabilities and injuries that occur multiple times across the country as a result of motorcycle accidents in all manner of circumstances.

Very often the cause of the accident is not the motorcyclist but a motorist driving a truck, van or car. As motorcycles are fast and often difficult to see there will frequently be visibility issues involved in the accident.

Get an experienced lawyer

There are many lawyers who will proclaim their expertise in motorcycle accidents, but you need to focus on those who have experience in the field. There are multiple legal issues involved here, ranging from injury and hospital costs to distress, emotional harm, lost wages and all manner of other damages and costs.

Get your statements and reports

Following an accident, and depending upon how serious it is, you need to ensure that when you are looking for a motorcycle accident lawyer you can go armed with witness statements, or at least then names of witnesses to the accident.

You should also obtain police and other reports relating to the accident, together with as much relevant information from the other motorist (if a motorist is involved) as you possibly can. You will often be required to obtain compensation and the use and availability of reports and witness statements is extremely important in making a successful compensation claim.

Get someone with local knowledge

Whether you are seeking motorcycle accident lawyers in Los Angeles, or in Houston, Las Vegas, New York or anywhere else, you need an attorney who knows the local courts, the local rules relating to compensation claims and who also has experience that he or she can tell you about.

Ask your potential lawyer what they have done, how successful they have been in their motorcycle court cases or claims and what sort of track record they have.

Make Sure You Check on Insurance Issues

Insurance questions come into play with any major or minor accident, but there are some special considerations applicable in respect of motorcycle accidents that require you to carefully check your policy and see what you can recover.

Mostly you cannot recover medical expenses, but these may be covered under other policies.  The same goes for lost wages.   You need to check with a motorcycle accident lawyer who knows the rules, the policies and what you can do so make sure you ask the right questions.

Negotiate the Best Fees Deal

You should also ensure that you get the best fees deal by working something out with your lawyer in terms of what they will be taking on any settlement that you will (hopefully) be obtaining for your motorbike accident.

A good lawyer in any personal injury lawsuit situation like this will explain what he will charge and how the fees and disbursements will be worked out.

You want a 'no surprises' deal that ensures you not only have a good lawyer working for you out of the wide selection of motorcyel accident lawyers out there,  but also have one who will not be charging you so much that you are further 'injured' following your initial accident.

Read More About Motorcycle Accident Law Here

What questions should you be asking your motorcycle accident lawyer?

Many motorcyclists involved in accidents fail to ask the right questions.

–>  Read More Here

Michigan motorcycle accident attorney joins personal injury firm

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 MotorCycle Accident Attorneys

LA Motorcycle Accident Attorney – Michael Ehline -

See firm listing here

Encino Motorcycle Accident Attorney – Farhad Hamdam – See post here

Michigan Motorcycle Accident attorneys – Buckfire & Buckfire – See post here

What questions s hould you be asking your motorcycle accident lawyer?  The reality is that many motorcyclists involved in accidents fail to ask the right questions. – See more at:
What questions s hould you be asking your motorcycle accident lawyer?  The reality is that many motorcyclists involved in accidents fail to ask the right questions. – See more at:


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